Have you ever thought of how you would meet your mortgage repayments if you lost your job or if you are unable work due to an accident or a long illness? If you have not thought about this, it is time you did! Because you have an excellent cost effective option to protect your home in such circumstances- Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance. What is Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance? Mortgage is one of the biggest financial commitments in a person�s life.
Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance is a sensible option for anyone who wants to protect their home from advent of unfortunate circumstances. When you choose Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance you can pay your monthly mortgage repayments even if you are off work due to illness or you are unemployed. Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance from some companies also cover building insurance. These policies require a Qualifying Period of around 28 days, which is a minimum number of days before you can claim against the policy. Once you qualify the insurance company you have applied with will pay you until you get a job or reach the maximum number of months that the insurance company will pay out (which is generally for a year with exception of few companies which will pay for two years).
You might feel that Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance with your mortgage lender is the logical step. However most mortgage lenders charge heavily. In such cases Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance from specialist providers is the cost effective option. The borrower needs to research and weigh the pros and cons of the policy before applying for it. Are you eligible for Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance? You are eligible for Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance if:
You are over 18 years of age and under 65 years of age.
You have already availed a mortgage or will be taking out a nationwide mortgage.
You are employed and have been employed for the last 6 months. However you need not be employed for 6 months if you are taking a new mortgage or a further advance.
You will be living in
By John Hilgenberg
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