Due to the fact that you were unable to continue making your monthly mortgage payments, you were eventually faced with foreclosure upon your home. There are some instances when you can fight this and even win but most of the times it is not something that will do you any good, if you did not make your payments, you lose your home to foreclosure. If this is something that has happened to you and you are a little bit curious about what the next proceedings will be, after the foreclosure has occurred, then you are definitely in the right place. Throughout this article I am wanting to talk with you some more about what all really happens after the foreclosure of your home has been completed. There will more than likely be some type of court hearing that you will have to attend. If you choose not to attend this court hearing regarding the foreclosure of your home, there is absolutely no way that the judge would feel the least bit sorry for you and there will be no possibility of changing the situation at hand.
Even by going to this court hearing and speaking with the judge, explaining your sob story and all, it is still not a guarantee that he will listen to one word that you have to say about the foreclosure of your home. The fact of the matter is, you basically promised to make each payment as it was set up for you to make throughout the years. By not doing what had been asked of you, time and time again, foreclosure is inevitable and talking to the judge will be quite pointless actually. After the court hearing as completed someone will actually auction of the deed to your home, which I know is very depressing for you to think about. Once you are told that you in fact have to pack up all of your belongings and leave your home, you had better get to packing. Otherwise what could potentially happen next is not something that any of you really want to happen, they have the right to call the cops on you to take you off of the property. This property no longer belongs to you, as hard as that is to adjust to knowing.
You have no legal rights to the home or property from this moment on. The mortgage company that provided you with the loan to purchase your home will have all legal rights to your home and property. The entire foreclosure proceedings typically do take up to about 3 months. So, with that said, if you fear that you might be in potential danger of receiving a foreclosure notice, do something before that time frame is up. If you wait too long and the proceedings have already begun to start then chances are, you have seriously waited far too long and there is just nothing at all that you could do about it. Sitting back and watching them take your home from you is quite devastating to say the least. Make sure that you are always on top of things, when it comes to making your house payment each month so that this does not become a reality to you, if it has not already.
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