Unfortunately, most of what you�ll find approaches the problem from the wrong direction. The way to get the VERY best interest rate on a bad credit loan is usually overlooked or concealed altogether.
But before we continue, let�s digress briefly and look at how significantly the higher rate for a bad credit loan affects the borrower.
Let�s say you want to buy a house, but have bad credit. No matter how diligently you shop for a lender, you�re still be charged a higher interest rate for a bad credit loan than if you had good credit.
With good credit, you might get a mortgage loan at 6% interest. But a bad credit loan will cost you closer to 12%. Assuming you get a �100,000 mortgage over 30 years, the difference you�d pay in interest amounts to a monstrous �154,461.60 MORE because you have bad credit. That�s over 1� times the loan itself!
Now getting back to our original problem, how can you get a better interest rate for a bad credit loan? The answer is probably not what you were expecting.
The solution is to �think outside the box.� The way to get a bad credit loan with the best interest rate is to NOT get one! Instead, spend a couple of months fixing your bad credit, and then look for a �good credit loan� instead.
This answer probably comes as something of a shock to you. More than likely, several objections to this approach will come to mind.
1. �I need a loan NOW� or �It�s not worth my while to wait until I repair my credit.�
Oh really? Well, is it worth a savings of �150,000 or more? Granted you may not be looking for a �100,000 loan. But even if you want to borrow only �10,000 or so, the better rates you�ll enjoy with good credit will still save you several thousand dollars.
2. �Fixing my credit will take too long, or it just isn�t possible.�
It�s often possible to make very a significant improvement in your credit rating in just a few months, and in some cases as little as 30 days.
3. �I don�t know how to repair my credit and can�t afford to hire a credit repair agency�
For a fraction of the cost of a professional agency, you can purchase a good book on credit repair that will walk you through the whole process.
4. �Do-it-yourself credit repair is too difficult� or �I don�t think I can repair my own credit�
Don�t be intimidated by the idea of fixing your own credit. If you can write a few letters, address, stamp, and mail them you can repair your own credit.
Your decision comes down to this; you have two choices.
1. You can spend some time (maybe a LOT of time) shopping for a bad credit loan with the lowest possible rate, and still end up paying thousands (even tens of thousands) more in interest.
2. You can spend some time fixing your credit and spend those thousands on your family�s needs, instead of paying them to your lender.
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