Thursday, November 10, 2011

Make Sure Your Policy Features Uninsured Motorist Protection

Consumers can choose a variety of insurance options, including long term disability, homeowner's insurance, and life insurance, to name a few, but, to protect themselves and their families an person can obtain uninsured and under insured motorist insurance protection, which is among the most crucial insurance protection for individuals. In the event an person is injured by another driver who does not have an automobile liability insurance then the UM or uninsured motorist insurance protection supplies a source of benefits. When you've been involved in an accident with a driver whose insurance is inadequate to cover your injuries and property loss, you'll be glad that you opted to buy uninsured motorist insurance protection. To make certain you receive adequate payment contact a Everett auto accident attorney.

We will demonstrate why this insurance protection is so crucial. Picture yourself driving down the road thoroughly and within the posted speed limit. An oncoming driver crosses the center line and strikes your vehicle head-on. You are out of work for a year from the severe bodily injuries you sustained. You can be wiped out financially after the crash, and you still have before you a full life of pain, suffering, and less ability to function since you have been injured. Now imagine the driver at fault is not properly insured. All responsible drivers should have UM insurance protection on their auto policies: Those who do not will be left holding the bill with no legal recourse when uninsured motorists damage or destroy their vehicles. Now assume that the other driver has insurance, but that the policy is for the Pennsylvania statutory minimum of $15,000. If you do not have UIM insurance protection, you will be limited to the $15,000 recovery, which will not even start to reimburse you for what you've lost.

If you had purchased UM or UIM insurance protection on your own policy, you would be entitled to make a claim against your own insurance policy to seek payment for your injuries and your financial losses, up to the limit of the amount of the insurance protection you acquire. For instance, if you purchased $500,000 of UM insurance protection and the other driver had no insurance, you would be able to recover up to $500,000 as a result of the accident. In the event the other driver was only uninsured for the minimum amount of $15,00, you would still be able to recoup a substantially amount of money from your own insurance company. If you need assistance in filing your claim contact a Everett auto accident lawyer.

Your insurance agent probably did not mention UM and UIM insurance when you initially enrolled. When a car insurance buying consumer seeks auto insurance quotations online, the information that is supplied with the quote is minimal. It helps if the consumer is already knowledgeable about insurance. Some insurance consumers who have been uninformed can be victimized twice, by negligence or by an uninsured driver, and possibly again by insufficient insurance protection relating to their own insurance.

The amount of UM/UIM insurance protection that you can acquire is limited by the laws in Pennsylvania. Simply put, the amount of the UM/UIM insurance protection cannot exceed the amount of liability insurance protection on the same policy. Basically, consumers are not allowed to protect themselves more than they protect others against their own negligence. "Stacking" of insurance protection is allowable. As an example, if someone has three cars covered on the identical policy, that person can buy a half a million dollars of liability insurance protection and the same amount of UM/UIM insurance protection. To reach a total of $1,500,000 in UM/UIM insurance protection the consumer chooses the "stacking" option so as to effectively multiply the $500,000 in UM/UIM insurance protection by the number of vehicles on the policy. Diligently examining one's automobile insurance insurance protection, and paying a little more for adequate UM/UIM insurance protection, is among the wisest things we can all do to protect ourselves and our families against the effects of negligent uninsured and under insured drivers.

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