With so many people taking to the skies for foreign holidays these days, insurance companies have upped their game and now provide a whole range of travel insurance products tailored to meet the specific needs of travellers. Among these is family or group insurance.
When considering one of these packages, take a look at what providers term as family, as their definitions can differ from company to company. The biggest differences tend to be in the number of children, or the age of children that can be insured.
Your family need not travel together all the time either. Anyone who is signed up tot the family or group policy can enjoy insurance cover wherever they travel to, whether they do so with the family in tow or not.
Further benefits include free child cover. You will find that most policy providers will offer completely free cover to children under the age of two, while others will provide free cover to all children.
Single parent families are now catered for also. Most insurers offer some sort of single parent family reduced rate so that single parent families do not miss out on the reduced insurance costs offered to other families.
It is worth noting that any child who wishes to travel must do so in the company of a named adult. This is particularly pertinent for older teenagers who may wish to travel alone or with friends. Should they choose to travel alone then they will be required to purchase their own separate cover.
If you are hoping to add an elderly parent or grandparent to your family or group policy, you may find that your premium will be much higher as a result. In fact, you may find some insurers who are unwilling to add anyone in their sixties or older to a family policy due to the increased health risk.
Families looking for insurance for a single holiday can take out single trip insurance, while those who plan to travel broad several times in a year could save more money by choosing to take out an annual family insurance policy.
by Micke Jack
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