Thursday, January 24, 2008

Insurance And What You Can get Coverage

Insurance policies are critical for your future protection. But with so many types of insurance policies in the market today it's a wonder that people become confused as to what each will cover. Follow along as we discuss a few of the various insurance policies you will run across during your lifetime.

Household insurance. Normally, most people buy a house insurance to cover their mortgage if the test should occur or if you lose your home in a disaster like a fire or flood. But a lot of people have just as much invested in the contents of their whole as they do in the actual home itself. You can obtain insurance that will cover the contents of your home such as the carpets, the appliances, television sets, stereo components, your clothing and your jewelry, for example. You also need to understand whether you will receive actual replacement value are not. If you bought a television 10 years ago you may not be able to buy a grand new one if they only want to reimburse you for what a 10 year old TV set is worth! Get replacement cost in your insurance policy.

Business insurance. Business insurance can cover you in various ways. With our society becoming increasingly litigious and willing to turn to the courts to settle each and every conflict, insurance can protect you, your organization and your employees from lawsuits they could quickly cripple your business. If you are a sole proprietor or run a small business you can get business interruption service if you are taken ill and unable to run your business. You may also need insurance coverage for loss of inventory, computers or supplies us that you need to keep running your business. You may need coverage of leases and loans you'll be responsible for if your business is interrupted for injuries. Always ask your insurance agent what they can cover it explain fully what you do to get the best possible coverage.

Private medical insurance. This type of insurance normally covers the cost of private medical treatment for injuries or any short-term illness that is a curable. In most cases this type of insurance has the benefit of allowing you to be treated very quickly and cases were you might have to put on a waiting list for public health treatment. And in some cases it can pay for a private room while you convalesce rather than having to be put into a room with someone else or a number of people.

Special insurance. We only mention this type of insurance here because it does illustrate how you can get insurance for just about anything you can imagine. The famous singers often have their voices ensured. This is similar to business insurance, since the singer relies on their voice to make a living. Remember when Mary Hart had her legs insured? Obviously it was felt they were a large part of her ability to earn a living. A well-known soccer player once assured his right foot because it allowed him to score so often - on the field that is! At one time a British company was even issuing policies to protect people against abduction by unidentified flying objects. Quite often these days sports clubs will ensure their athletes against injuries because they invest so much money in them. Normally these types of insurance will require large premiums but they can be worth it in the long run.

Insurance is one of those things you need but never hope to use. But the wise person will always buying as much insurance as they can afford not to protect themselves and their families from much larger financial losses beyond just the premium you would pay for an insurance policy. Protect yourself against future risks with a variety of insurance coverage.

By: Lee MacRae

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