Imagine you're scheduled for a pampering two-week vacation in
More likely than not, you've probably experienced the hassles of trip cancellations and delays, and medical injuries while on a trip. These mishaps not only cost a lot but also translates to headaches and other manifestations of stress. Travel insurance, just like medical insurance and other pre-need services, protect and save you from inevitable and unfortunate circumstances way ahead of time. Think of it as a soft cushion you can fall on when the airport personnel inform you of an abrupt change in flight schedule or when you suddenly incur an injury on a vacation. When incidents like these happen, you can be assured of refunds if you paid for an insurance. There's a handful of insurances for travel depending on a person's needs and preferences. You may opt for insurance for trip cancellations in case you want reimbursements and you can't make it on flight because of medical and personal reasons. This kind of insurance usually covers the client's family members as well. So, if the father cancels the trip due to heartburn, his wife and children are allowed to waive theirs, too.
Another kind of travel insurance you should consider having is the one specifically for trip interruptions. This insurance is applicable for any valid reason, which may prompt a person to prematurely end his trip. With this kind of insurance, you need not worry about the minor or major expenses you've already paid for but can no longer use. You can also avail of medical benefits like a helicopter ride to the hospital in case of emergencies. Travel insurance surely comes in handy. Yes, you have to pay for it in advance (which some people consider a hassle) but the pros of this service more than make up for the supposed inconvenience.
Published: 8/1/2006
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