Monday, October 1, 2007

Home Refinancing Rate

Home refinancing rates have been at an all-time low for the past decade and are only now moving upward at a slow rate. The drop in the American economy during the late 1980's when they skyrocketed caused more people to buy less property, but many used that period to save their expendable income. As the rates dropped in the 1990's, the homeowner market took a leap upward as many took advantage of the lower home refinancing opportunities to recover from other debts or to use equity in home values, which rapidly increased during that period, to purchase new investment property with the cash-out equity of their current mortgage. Discuss the terms in full with a lender and know what obligations the home refinancing rate demands.

A current rate is around the 4 - 6% range depending on the length of the loan and the ARM applicable to the fixed rate or variable rate loan. Some are higher than the 2-3% mortgages offered less than five years ago, but this current home refinancing rate is lower than only eight to ten years ago when the "good" rates were 7-9%. These numbers have changed dramatically and in turn so have the house values. Property is assessed at a much higher rate than ever before and a home built for less than $10,000 thirty years ago can now demand a resell price of over 15 times that amount. The trade off is the ability to draw off the equity of 5% more or less and reinvest in new property or pay off other debts or use it to lower previous home refinancing rates on earlier loans.

A homeowner can take advantage of these to use their homes equity or to hasten the path to getting out from under the mortgage debt burden. A lower home refinancing rate will allow the borrower to either redo their loan for a shorter period of time, lowering the amount of interest to be repaid, or the home refinancing rate loan will allow for lower payments on a greater amount of loan when using the equity to increase the loan amount. It is a wise move for a homeowner to take advantage of lower rates to make a means to get out from under their debts, or to make strategic financial moves to invest in property that will pay off. Like the Proverbs 31 woman, who "considereth a field and buyeth it" (Proverbs 31:16), there is a time to buy and a time to sell. Taking advantage of these opportunities is a wise move to reduce debts overall, but the wise homeowner will consider the "field" before buying it. In other words, know the terms and conditions attached to home refinancing rates.

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